
DESCRIPTION: Plastering roller SERAFIMOV SYSTEMS 10 cm. - It is suitable for applying ready-made putty mixtures.- Quick application of the finished putty mixture.- Increase productivity.- Saves time for plastering.- Lightweight and comfortable to work with.

Ultra FLEX II Trowel Gold Edition 12 inch x 0.3 mm Serafimov SystemsAdvantages:- Ergonomic Biko Cork Grip- High Quality Stainless Steel Blade- New High Secure Bond- Rounded Edges- Versatile Double Blade TechnologyDescription:Super FLEXible 2nd Generation Trowels Serafimov Systems Ultra Flex II 16 inch Gold Trowels are a premium quality p

Ultra FLEX II Trowel Gold Edition 14 inch x 0.3 mm Serafimov SystemsAdvantages:- Ergonomic Biko Cork Grip- High Quality Stainless Steel Blade- New High Secure Bond- Rounded Edges- Versatile Double Blade TechnologyDescription:Super FLEXible 2nd Generation Trowels Serafimov Systems Ultra Flex II 16 inch Gold Trowels are a premium quality p

Ultra FLEX II Trowel Gold Edition 16 inch x 0.3 mm Serafimov SystemsAdvantages:- Ergonomic Biko Cork Grip- High Quality Stainless Steel Blade- New High Secure Bond- Rounded Edges- Versatile Double Blade TechnologyDescription:Super FLEXible 2nd Generation Trowels Serafimov Systems Ultra Flex II 16 inch Gold Trowels are a premium quality p

DESCRIPTION:Serafimov Systems Ultra Flex II ''gold'' finishing trowel 305mm x 0.3mm handle leather vintage.Super plastic finishing trowel Super FLEXible 2nd generation finishing trowel Serafimov Systems Ultra FLEX 12'' / 305 x 100 x 0.3 mm.- Specification of "golden" Ultra FLEX 2 trowel for plastering.- Better performance triple hardened

DESCRIPTION:Serafimov Systems Ultra Flex II ''gold'' finishing trowel 356mm x 0.3mm handle leather vintage.Super plastic finishing trowel Super FLEXible 2nd generation finishing trowel Serafimov Systems Ultra FLEX 14'' / 356 x 100 x 0.3 mm.- Specification of "golden" Ultra FLEX 2 trowel for plastering.- Better performance triple hardened

DESCRIPTION:Serafimov Systems Ultra Flex II ''gold'' finishing trowel 406mm x 0.3mm handle leather vintage.Super plastic finishing trowel Super FLEXible 2nd generation finishing trowel Serafimov Systems Ultra FLEX 16'' / 406 x 100 x 0.3 mm.- Specification of "golden" Ultra FLEX 2 trowel for plastering.- Better performance triple hardened

DESCRIPTION:Serafimov Systems Ultra Flex II ''gold'' finishing trowel 457mm x 0.3mm handle leather vintage.Super plastic finishing trowel Super FLEXible 2nd generation finishing trowel Serafimov Systems Ultra FLEX 18'' / 457 x 100 x 0.3 mm.- Specification of "golden" Ultra FLEX 2 trowel for plastering.- Better performance triple hardened

DESCRIPTION: A new series of Silver trowels from Serafimov Systems. FLEX Trowel Silver stainless steel 305 x 120 x 0.5 mm with handle leather vintage. Made of Austrian stainless steel, with precision ground and rounded corners. Ideal for plastering plasterboard, plaster finish coats and EIFS. SERAFIMOV SYSTEMS offers a full rang

DESCRIPTION: A new series of Silver trowels from Serafimov Systems. FLEX Trowel Silver stainless steel 356 x 120 x 0.5 mm with handle leather vintage. Made of Austrian stainless steel, with precision ground and rounded corners. Ideal for plastering plasterboard, plaster finish coats and EIFS. SERAFIMOV SYSTEMS offers a full rang